Year: 196-Icanonlyimaginewhen | |
Driver: Vince Quennville | |
Contributed by:
Top Photo: Anonymous Second Photo: Bobby Ely |
Photo Credits:
Top Photo: John Grady Second Photo: Chuck Ely |
The Back Story: Mystery Driver #3 Here’s a great shot of Vince Quennville in one of the first cars owned by Austin Dickermann. The car was originally built by Norm Scarborough as a number 38, and was later sold to Dickermann. If they gave out awards for the ugliest creation of the decade, I’m sure Scarborough’s garage would have a whole lot of hardware on display from this beauty, and according to the LVC visitor who sent it in, and who was also friends with Norm, said he’d have it no other way. Sadly, Vince was killed over 20 years ago, back in 1987 in a Highway accident, and if I remember correctly, He was driving a Tractor Trailer at work when an idiot who missed their exit, was illegally backing up on the highway when the accident occurred. Second Photo: I uncovered this picture of the original Norm Scarborough
original 38, before it was sold to Austin Dickerman. This
car may go into history as one of the ugliest cars to ever compete, competitively,
on the high banks. What followed next was Ed Foley tossing a Dickerman
coach #357 into victory lane in 1972, for Ed’s one and only win at LV. Next up was Eddie Delmolino in the #357,
who posted many wins, and a infatution Austin had with beating the Joe Leto,
Tommy Corellis driven #50.
Additional Comments: Ted White of Dalton MA got this mystery driver in seconds.