Year: Top 1973, Second 1975 Third 1975 | |
Top: From left to right, Jimmy Corellis, Kenny Shoemaker and Tom Corellis.
Second: Eddie Jones.
Third: Kenny Coon
Fourth: Tom Corellis
Contributed by: Top: Bobby Ely Second: Mark Labrum Third: Mark LaBrum Fourth: Aintgotime4this
Photo Credits: Top: Chuck Ely Second: Unknown Third: Unknown Fourth: Unknown
The Back Story:
The top photo: You always knew when the Leto 50’s were in town. We could use a little help with the driver of the first 50. The most confusing pictures we’ve received to date here at LVC. These would make some great Trivia questions. What we have is no doubt these are; or once were Leto 50’s. Update: Arnie Ainsworth tell us it is Jimmy Corellis.
The Second photo:
It was suggested to Me this car Joe Leto may have sold,
thus truly opening up a wide array of possibilities to who is the pilot in
this car for a Syracuse race. Common
sense says it must be a top notch shoe, as by the way the Update: Arnie Ainsworth and Link Petit tell us it is Eddie Jones.
Update:The driver in
the photo at Syracuse is Ed "Parnelli" Jones. Thanks, Link Pettit Jr. The Third Photo: This certainly looks like Kenny Coon…..but when in the hell did He ever drive a Leto 50? Maybe a one race deal at Fonda? If anyone can shed more light on these pictures, we’d love to hear from You, and we’ll put all the correspondences in the additional comments bracket. Update: Arnie Ainsworth tell us that Win Slavin shared this ride and that Mike Grabac drove it at Syracuse.
The Fourth Photo:
This car was built to replace the car sold to Joe Leto, which became the #50 Gremlin driven so
successfully by Tommy Corellis during the 1973/1974
seasons. That Leto Gremlin had been built by Bob Rossell for his own use, but apparently, Leto made him an offer for the car that he couldn't
refuse. Mr.time4this
Additional Comments:
team leto 50a coach jimmy
corellis 50 pinto shoemaker 50 gremlin t.c. 1973 2nd photo is
eddie jones at sycuse third is ken coons 1975 split time with
win slavin. also mike grabac drove this at sycuse. i have all
pics thanks arnie
Update: The driver in the photo at Syracuse is Ed "Parnelli" Jones. Thanks, Link Pettit Jr.