Year:  Top Photo, 196? Second Photo, 1988 Third 1989, Fourth Late 60’s/1970. Fifth 1988. Sixth Mid 70's

Seventh: Before Christ (we think) How old is Butch? Eighth: 1980, Ninth 1979


Driver:   Butch Jelley


Photo Contributed by: 


Top Photo: Bobby Ely


Second Photo: Bob Simpson


Third Photo: Joe & Leslie Friscia


Fourth Photo: Bobby Ely


Fifth Photo: Doug Olds


Sixth Photo: Hotrod


Seventh Photo: Larry Faulkner Jr.


Eighth Photo: Dave Healey


Ninth Photo: Larry Faulkner Jr.


Photo Credits: 


Top Photo: Chuck Ely Photo


Second Photo: Bob Simpson


Third Photo: Unknown


Fourth Photo: Chuck Ely Photo


Fifth Photo: Doug Olds


Sixth Photo: Ely Photos


Seventh Photo: Moses?


Eighth Photo: Unknown


Ninth Photo: Faulkner Family


The Back Story: 

Top Photo:

Butch strikes a pose next to the Riiska X before hot laps.  Looks like another great crowd is gathering on a perfect looking Saturday Night.

Second Photo:

Butch Jelley hot on the hammer driving the Williams and Kingsley owned #28 machine out of Pittsfield.

Third Photo:

April 22nd, 1989, and Butch Jelley once again found victory lane in the always potent Williams and Kingsley Auto Repair owned #28’s, wrenched by Dickie Williams and Billy Kinglsey.  This was the last time Butch ever graced victory lane at Lebanon Valley.  The same couldn’t be said for Dickie or Billy, who scored numerous wins with their next shoe, Chris Moore into the 90’s.  When Chris stopped racing weekly at LV, Billy retired from the racing game, while Dickie teamed up with J.R. Heffner, and helped him win the 2007 modified points championship.

Fourth Photo:

This was just another picture of Butch Jelley in the Martin Riiska yellow X, until I noticed something interesting in the picture.

I’d have to say Butch was just assigned this ride, as the name of the original driver of this car has been crudely scratched off, and Butch’s name has been added in the next available spot.  I looked closely, and all I can make out is the first name began with a “J”.  I know Bill Wilson took a whack at the X cars, but it definitely isn’t his name, this may be easy for some of the LVC regulars, but I have no clue who shoed this before.

Fifth Photo:

Early season picture of Butch posing next to the new wide body Williams and Kingsley Olsen #28.


Sixth Photo:

Two of the best run nose to tail through 3 & 4, Kenny Coon and Butch.


Seventh Photo:

This is a picture of Butch Jelley tempting fate by driving Larry Faulkner Sr.s midget in this undated photo. That’s big Larry standing directly behind Butch with his hand on the ambulance (probably didn’t want that thing getting too far away given the safety of the midgets back then )*

Larry Faulkner Jr.

*Those are the words of Hot Rod, Not Larry Jr.

Eighth Photo:

Perhaps one of thee fastest and advanced cars of it’s era, this gorgeous Bruce Berger owned rocket was I believe one of the first 5 Olsen chassis ever built.  The car went like hell, and if I remember right, Bruce and Butch would travel weekly up to Canada for the majority of the season, cleaning up the big $$ the tracks offered.

Later in the season, the pair parted ways, and Bruce called on long time friend Russ Blake to pilot the potent 26 for the remainder of the season.



Additional Comments:  

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Lebanon Valley Classics