Year:  Top-1971 Second-1974
Driver:   Bob Knox
Photo Contributed by:  

Top Photo: Bobby Ely

Second Photo: Krusj

Photo Credits:  

Top Photo: Chuck Ely

Second Photo: Krusj

The Back Story: 

Mystery Driver #9

Top Photo:  Bob’s Lovely wife Harriet was kind enough to chime in with this info on the #27 that’s pictured…

This car was built in Lakeside Ct. and was garaged for a time at Worden’s Welding. The car was owned by Art Worden and driven by Bob Knox.

The 348 small block chevy had a 1935 Plymouth body-reworked to fit the frame. The car’s first run at Lebanon Valley was July 31, 1971.  Originally built for asphalt  it turned laps on the famed Plainville Stadium, Plainville Ct. The only change made to the car to run at Lebanon was grooving the tires "at first". Having never run on a dirt track before, Bob had to change a lot of his style and thinking to adapt to the newer surface.

Shortly after, Bob bought out Art and moved the operation to Thomaston, Ct.

Second Photo: Bob Knox was certainly a main fixture at Lebanon Valley for many, many years, and to this fine gentleman, this is the car, number and color combination he most associates Bob with.


Additional Comments:

Eric Lombard and Bob's grandson Bob Knox wrote in with the correct answer.

Harriet, we thank you for this priceless information. Our viewers are looking for the Back Stories.


We are looking for information and photos about the Valley's history.

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Lebanon Valley Classics